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Gluten-free diet


Since gluten and starch from wheat flour would become sticky with certain amount of water, it is as same as kneading flour for making bread, its viscous of ingested foods is very depending on amount of fluid. 90% of fluid would be absorbed during digestion, it makes stool harden as well. And during digenstion process, amount of fluid is vary because of secretion of digestive juices and absorption/reabsorption of fluid. Since, the viscous of ingested gluten containing foods are very sensitive with amount of fluid, after absorption/reabsorption in small intestine, and because of the viscous of digesting foods containing gluten become higher. The higher viscous digesting foods and gluten sensitivity could make damages to intestine. Those repeated damages, inflamation and also body reaction because of the damages could cause the coeliac disease. The intestine environment of people who keep ingesting gluten, would be worse. Because of gluten itself is fine-particle and the ingested foods would become higher density. It would be easily to become dried and harden when less fluid, but also it would be loosen, or diarrhea easily with just a little bit more fluid, small varience of amount of fluid. It is because water retention capability is less with the fine-particle, higher density. The microbiota in intestine could be caught by these and it would be drained as if washing out the intestine. Those intestinal environments could easily make damages and inflamation. As same as gluten, fine-particles foods could cause this kind of phenomena. So that says, even if you taking dietary fibers, and even if you taking same amount of it, effectiveness from ingesting natural foods sources and taking fibers from supplements would be significantly different. For digestion and absorption, fine-particles would be better for those efficiency. Although, for excretion, fine-particles would be worse. Mixture of various size and shapes of particles is one of key for lower density, which making aggregate structure that would make optimal spaces between the particles and keep water/moisture longer in the spaces. Because the lower density aggregate structure has more capability for fluid retention, excreta become softer, but not easily to become dried and harden or not easily to become loosen or diarrhea by changing amount of fluid. Such intestinal environment is also good for microbiota as well. Because of this, AZSP recommend Gluten-free diet with ingesting more dietary fibers from whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits as possible, instead of taking dietary fiber supplements, or drinking vegetable/fruits juices. Also, recommend probiotics for more effectiveness of the Gluten-free diet, not only for healthy intestine but also for allergy and/or total health.

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